Monday, April 6, 2015

"At The Devil's Door" (2014)

Watched "At The Devil's Door" (2014). Let me see if I understand this plot: a teenage girl unknowingly offers her soul to the Devil for some cash, the Devil impregnates her somehow so she commits suicide. Then flash forward a few decades later where a woman trying to sell the house the girl lived in has the curse passed onto her, who then passes it onto her sister, who then gets impregnated by the Devil but then is thrown out of a three story window by him in an attempt to kill her. Needless to say the Devil, as portrayed in this film, is really, really dumb and keeps doing things that completely undermine his plan of being reborn into the world. And why does the girl in the beginning go through an entire ritual that bonds the Devil to her, yet none of the other women in the film do, but they are still targeted? Why have the ritual at all? Why even watch this movie? I'm afraid I can't answer any of those questions.  3 out of 10 for me.

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