"Lake Mungo" (2008)
the faux-documentary "Lake Mungo" (2008). The film centers on a family
who are coming to terms with the loss of their teenage daughter in a
drowning accident. Soon after her death, her ghostly image begins
appearing on photos and videos, sparking an investigation that leads to
some startling discoveries. What really struck me about this film is
the way the film uses it's documentary format
to it's advantage. Creating a sense of authenticity in a horror movie
is very hard to do, but there were moments that felt so genuine in "Lake
Mungo" where I actually had to remind myself that I was watching a
movie. Because of that, when some of the spookier elements are
interjected into the film (particularly the faceless apparition images),
I found myself getting the willies - which is a very rare occurrence
for me now having seen so many horror films in my lifetime. Bear in
mind, this movie predated the release of "Paranormal Activity" and all
the "found footage" films that followed, nor is it a "found footage"
film per se (though it does have some snippets here & there). I can
honestly say that as horror mockumentaries go, "Lake Mungo" may be the
best I've ever seen. 9 out of 10 for me.
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