Sunday, April 5, 2015

Summer Of Blood (2014)

Watched the mumblecore horror comedy "Summer of Blood" (2014) by writer/director/actor Onur Tukel. I always find it awkward recommending comedies to anyone because humor is so subjective, but for me personally I found much of this film to be hysterical. Picture a Woody Allen film about Larry David becoming a vampire and that's about what you get with this. Tukel plays a selfish, insensitive prick who can't commit to anything and has no clue what he wants in life. Once he's bitten by a vampire and becomes one of the undead, this only amplifies his indecisiveness, as he can't decide if he wants to continue being a bloodsucker or go back to his ex-girlfriend. All of these scenes provided me with fits of laughter, but unfortunately the film runs out of steam going into the third act. It's almost as if Tukel had no idea how to tie everything up, thus the end feels forced and lacking any real closure - then again, for a film about a guy who can't make up his mind, maybe that's fitting. 7 out of 10 for me.

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