"Come Back To Me" (2014)
seems to me that I heard all kinds of buzz about "Come Back To Me"
prior to it's release, but now that I've watched it I can't imagine why
there would've been any? In no way is the film scary (if it's really
even trying to be), nor is there anything about it that stands out
(certainly not the acting, or the screenplay). In fact, the whole film
is quite repetitive and relies way too heavily on
the "is it all real or is it a dream?" plot device to the point of
being nerve grating. Literally scene after scene after scene of the
main character waking up in bed as if from a nightmare, to where if you
made it into a drinking game you'd be dead from alcohol poisoning. Now,
I will say the big twist of the film is somewhat unique, but honestly I
found it to be woefully uninteresting, especially when the whole film
is hinging upon it. At best, it would've been a sub par standalone
episode of "The X-Files". 3 out of 10 for me.
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