Sunday, April 5, 2015

"Funny Games" (2007)

I've held off watching the 2007 remake of "Funny Games" for some time, knowing it was a "shot-for-shot" remake, but came across a copy and decided to give it a try. Before doing so though, I re-watched the 1997 original since it was on Netflix Instant for the purpose of comparing & contrasting it with the remake. That was probably a mistake. The 1997 version has held up well, and I still admire it for it's satirical approach to violence in cinema by the way it breaks the fourth wall and deliberately toys with the audience's expectations throughout. In doing so, one almost feels complicit in the crime, as if by merely watching it you're allowing it to continue. It's a unique approach and very memorable because of that. The 2007 version on the other hand is the exact same film, from the screenplay right down to the blocking of the actors and the camera angles. While looking slightly more polished, the performances in this aren't nearly as strong as in the original (with the exception of Naomi Watts, who always brings her "A" game - though, it's also worth noting she's listed as "executive producer" as well) and being an exact replica, the whole thing feels as unnecessary as Gus Van Sant's shot-for-shot remake to "Psycho" (1998). Bottom line: if you don't mind subtitles, you can watch the superior original, or settle for the remake just to hear it in English. I'll say 8 out of 10 for the 1997 version and 5 out of 10 for the 2007 version.

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